

Archive for the month “August, 2011”

Just another way to rip you off!

I got this email today and wanted to pass along that this is a RIP OFF. DONOT DONOT respond to this if you get one they want your private info and financial info. I called PAYPAL and they informed me this was phisphing email and you could be ripped big time. I forward the whole emil to thier fraud dept, I hope they catch this low life scum!



Dear PayPal Member, (Not your name)

We apologize for the problem you encounter but your credit card could not
be added because we were unable to verify your credit card billing address.
This is the address where you receive billing statements for this card.

One possible problem could be that you entered a different address than
the one where you receive your bills for this card. If this is the
case, the solution is as easy as entering the correct billing address.

Be sure that you have entered the exact address where you receive
your billing statements for this card.

Check that the home phone number we have on file for you is correct.

If your bank has two addresses on file for you, be sure to enter the
address your credit card issuer considers your primary address. This
address may be different than the address where you receive your
1. Go to this link
2. Enter your credit card information.
3. Enter the address where you receive billing statements for this
4. Click the “Agree” button.

Please note: the billing address field will be automatically set to
your primary street address.

After following the steps above, if you still receive an error about
your billing address the website will automatically request that you
proceed through an alternative card verification process the third time you
try to add your card.

Why does PayPal verify my credit card billing address?

In order to protect our customers, PayPal is constantly working to
ensure the integrity of our payment network and to eliminate the threat of
fraud. Verifying credit card billing addresses is just one of the
stringent checks we make so that none of our members will fall victim to


Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and
you will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal
account and click the Help link located in the top right corner of any
PayPal page.


Obama’s / Michelle’s Plan to Shut Down Your Good Eats

Barack Obama is enjoying his vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, where he’s able to enjoy all of the culinary delights that his administration wants to ban from your child’s plate!

“Many of the foods targeted in this proposal are the same foods approved by the federal government for the WIC nutrition program for women, infants and  children. ‘This doesn’t make any sense whatsoever,’ said Beth Johnson, a dietician for Food Directions in Maryland. ‘It’s not going to do anything to help with obesity. These are decisions I want to make for my kids. These should not be government decisions.’

The Administration claims that their war on food is an effort to combat childhood obesity by reducing the amount of sugar, sodium and fats in food. But according to Human Events, many of the foods that are being targeted are “… those that are considered healthy foods, … hot breakfast cereals such as oatmeal, pretzels, popcorn, nuts, yogurt, wheat bread, bagels, diet drinks, fruit juice, tea, bottled water, milk and sherbet,” – and any food that is marketed to children and teens ages 2 to 17, and doesn’t meet the government’s newly proposed requirements.

You know the box tops that you clip to save money on schools that are on almost all of these foods, no more they have to be removed.

To crack down on “bad parenting” and the evil food industry, the Obama administration has given the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the task of imposing new restrictions on restaurants and food manufactures that will cause them to lose the right to advertise their products, unless they comply with the government’s new regulations.

Obama’s food regulations could put millions of Americans out of work!

The inter-agencies’ regulations would prohibit mom-and-pop restaurants from reaching new customers through advertising. These are the same types of  restaurants where we see often see Obama eating hot dogs, burgers and fries, and ice cream – products the Administration deems harmful.

If Obama wants to keep Americans working and restaurants open, then he needs to stop devising new ways to control what Americans make, buy, eat and sell.

Since food manufactures and restaurants won’t be able to advertise if their products don’t meet the government’s imposed requirements, the domino effect will be felt across multiple industries, from loss advertising sales for television and radio stations, to every other venue where children and teens might be exposed to a food advertisement.

Obama’s bad policies are already impacting the products that Americans are allowed to purchase — from the unpopular GM Chevy Volt to harmful compact fluorescent light bulbs – along with the ads that we are allowed to view on TV, and the products that can be on display in grocery stores and markets.

Here’s another harmful effect on the public: If food manufactures refuse to implement Obama’s new regulations, the government will not only ban them from advertising on “TV, radio, in print, and on websites, packaging, point-of-purchase displays in stores, and product placement in movies; but will also ban food manufactures and restaurants from sponsoring events including sport teams and individual athletes; as well as philanthropic activities tied to branding opportunities.”

These food regulations could lead to the loss of millions of American jobs that depend on the $5.8 trillion that restaurants and food manufactures spend every year on marketing and advertising.

“The most disturbing aspect of this interagency working group is, after it imposes multibillions of dollars in restrictions on the food industry, there is no evidence of any impact on the scourge of childhood obesity,” said Dan Jaffe, executive vice president of the Association of National Advertisers.

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